Monday, February 25, 2013

Working the Web

I have been neglecting my blogging in order to work some other aspects of the web. I am trying to get an esty store up and running. I have been exploring the world of Pinterest. Researching the best way to get a website active has been on the to do list. But real world stuff keeps getting in the way, like earning money!

I conducted my first copper earring workshop this past weekend. It was fabulous! Everyone left with a pair of completed earrings, most wore their own hand-crafted earrings home. I was so happy with the results. Thanks to everyone who came and added to the experience. Looking forward to next month's project and more awesome results.

In my blog reading, one blogger mentioned PicMonkey as a cool photo editing service. So I played around with it. Here is the result. (not very exciting, is it?)

I took this picture with my camera phone. I did very little editing with PicMonkey just because I had already gotten a really tight pic. But can't wait to try again and utilize the really cool effects. As part of the editing process, you can upload your pic directly to social media. Since the only social media things I do is Pinterest, this pic got sent to my Pinterest account: bstreet studios. So if you are here as a result of my Pin, thanks for stopping by. If you are interested in purchasing the earrings pictured, below is the Buy it Now button. They are $30.00 with free shipping. The Buy It button will take you to PayPal. Please make sure your address is included in the comments section. I will email you when they are in the mail.